The film "Vertigo" At 0:04:48 Why that police has to die like committed suicide?Because: (1) That police committed the crime of abusing his gun to fire that powerless helpless coward (That how Chinese told you "窮.Cold.5.Jway". You are police, you are Secret Service, you should do your duty 室內設計to kill all your rich and famous public Thieve, Rapist, Robbers like your sucking US President Bill Clinton and his ass whore co-president Hillary Clinton and all those [those must include your sucking USA government 關鍵字排名who force all your people to pay whatever tax to give them whatever paths and sticks to eat your public fund. That how entire USA government workers must be killed immediately]rich and famous that financed them to give them the paths an 裝潢d sticks to reach to that Hi) showed that police lacking of mankind heart to care the powerless helpless desperate deserve the most merciful way to leave. (2) he committed "自.Boot.Liang.Lead" crime to offer his hand instead of his gun fire (Because you have 訂做禮服 all your right to kill anyone who own more power than you yet showing the sucker in front of your eyes.) to help that helpless powerless desperate to get rid out of that hung. At 1:22:35 It's that husband on purposely murdered his own wife and tooled his detective foolish f 賣房子riend to cover his darkest invisible plots. At 1:25:33 If you are not that man's wife, you must not go to see that man during his sick weak wicked moment if you wish he can have any chance really falling in love with you. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 婚禮佈置-------------------You must not lie, you lie you must hide, so that you can wait for next life to meet your only True Love; you lie, you don't go to hide, you must have no way to know your only true love even you are in front of each other like Chinese said "Dway.Myan.Boot.Sean.10". Why that major male role can survived fr 房地產om falling down? Because he has the honest guts (That how Leslie 張國榮 was murdered [ 3150回覆:神的預知], because he failed to see his career lie ##That how pure virgin "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" MALE <Female inside that career li 售屋網ar pool is committing no point of returning lie, her only option is to keep her pure virgin to the end.> must have to find his only true love woman to make him to jump out of his career liar pool to care and love that woman with the rest of his life to build up his own really honest guts to see the day light## is the lowest level of civilian sight, must have no righ 591t to fit that Director call no matter how good he can help his Director to be better; just like second class citizen must have no right to run President House, no matter how good he or she can help that President House master to do better. ) to keep his virgin pure. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 吳哥窟 .
- Mar 04 Sun 2012 10:56
The film "Vertigo"