Wed. Oct.04 2006 Texas It is 12:20pm Texas time. I had 3 pieces of bread (I supposed to have 2 pieces, but the extra one was added because already touched therefore, I did not want to leave it back), one fry egg, one banana, one cup of hot chocolate, one small ice cream bar. egg and Ice cream bar simply for pleasure not like other food must be finished within short of certain period. I need go out for some chore, but just not feel want 關鍵字行銷to be out of door. Somehow, I suddenly kind understand how come Afgh TAliban demanded woman be companied by her family man to go out, I wonder those woman may indeed like that way of life, if they indeed like her big brother, dad, boy friend or husband, becasue it maybe very hard to ask them to company her had not because officially demand those big men 裝潢 to do like that. However, if they like me, unfortunately got caught trapped under stupid bad ugly evil doers like JungShiau Lin, they must like me rather go out alone like I must do. I hope all God believer must know, God is good, good won't fear to be challenged, therefore, do not feel offensed if anyone challenge our Mighty God; we must know it is devil - the law 房屋貸款and order must not tolerate to be challenged, anyone dare to challenge devil must meet the consequense, this may explain how come in the court, you don't challenge the law and order no matter you like or not, you agree or not, you can only dispute that you are not on purpose to challenge it, if the law authority think you challenged it, you need to let them understand how come it happened to convi 節能燈具nce them you did it because some mankind unexpected must. It is 17:54Texas time. I ate an order of Vietnam Noodle soup, a cup of LeeChi drink, a cup of BowBar green tea, I am full and feel stomach content. I finally drove to Bank this afternoon. The Bank full of good looking and hard workers females, I felt comfortable to see all of them busy in their job NO gossip like sometime I have seen in some other places. Thi 酒店兼職s is America, you cannot demand female workers disappearing suddenly, yet we must be prepare to go to the right direction that woman need keep in mind that stay home is better off to all of us. Though I have been stayed home more than 10years, I was never expecting that I would think this way that woman needs to stay home for the better off of all human being, but here I am to give you my message that woman, no matter how smart you think you a 膠原蛋白re, stay home will be a best choice for all of us. No matter how talent we are, it won't shake the world a bit when any one of us disappearing from the world. Yes, it seems some or many women looked more competent or efficient in work place in the office, yet, we must keep in mind, when you're driving wrong direction no matter how good your driving skill or how good your driving machine is, all in vain. Man looked less competent or less efficient than woman, I 永慶房屋think may influence under two major reasons, first, it may be the mom or dad to be blamed, or may be the school workers need to be blamed also, most likely they did not give the boy supposed free natural development like he naturally needs, secondly, I guess it is the sex choice of birth to be blamed. I think the naturally pregnant under making love can get the best quality baby, the artificial screening to chose the sex can only get weak or wicked consequence, when the parents go to 商務中心 make artificial screened sex to have baby, it can only add the risk to bring more stupid bad ugly evil doers to come into this world, therefore, I think Doctors and government need to tell man and woman, don't do that, they should either make love and get pregnant naturally or just make birth control not to have birth at all. And I hope we Americans must know, we are intitled to have our low law standard Democrat to tolerate our stupid bad ugly evil civilians which of course including our male and femal 建築設計e dressed animals to do whatever as per our low law standard, but we must not mess other places with our low standard where their majority of people rather please our Mighty God to subject to high standard and keep woman inside her husband or dad's safe heavens. And I hope our high rank officials must respect other place or area's high standard when sending out our diploma to do business with them. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 烤肉 .
- Mar 04 Sun 2012 13:21
Wed. Oct.04 2006 Texas